New Region 7 Director: Lee Styer

New Region 7 Director: Lee Styer

New Director Introducing Lee Styer Our New Region 7 Director Rich Trimmer has retired from his role as Region 7 Director for Team RFC. Rich and his wife Teri served in this role since 2013. He leaves a big legacy in the NHRA racing community where he and Teri served....
What is the Great Commission?

What is the Great Commission?

From the website “”   Matthew 28:19–20 contains what has come to be called the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to...
Plus Ultra vs. Ne Plus Ultra

Plus Ultra vs. Ne Plus Ultra

An Address Delivered Before Eminence College, June 10, 1881  Frank G. Allen Spain is the great southwestern peninsula of Europe. It juts out between two seas as does no other country of that continent. Before the discovery of America by Columbus, the Spaniards prided...