Faith is Greater Than Fear
By Eddie Baugher, Executive Director
Spring is the time of year that racing is beginning to get into full swing, but not this year. With the onset and spread of the COVID-19 virus, the racing world, along with most everyone else, is stuck in idle. What began as something that only affected China and other countries, rapidly expanded across the globe. And today we see a world, full of anxiety and fear, looking for answers.
We began to look at how Team RFC® could continue serving the motorsports community during this unprecedented time of social distancing and racing closures. Our Board of Directors, Region Directors, and staff spent time praying and seeking God as to how we could continue serving the world of motorsports without physically being present. We stayed in contact via phone, text, email and video conference calls as we began to work through these turbulent waters. First, we recognized that God is still in control and this did not catch Him off guard. Second, we worked to find ways to stay engaged with everyone. One thing we felt strongly about was offering an online chapel service on Sunday mornings. We have had a different Region Director bring the message each week. We have also encouraged our staff to check on the racers, crew members, track workers, track owners, promoters, fans, family and friends. Just because we are encouraged to stay socially distant, didn’t mean that we couldn’t stay socially engaged. And that was the key… ENGAGEMENT!
When God created this world and all that is in it, He was engaged. When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, He was engaged with him. When sin entered into the world, Adam and Eve hid from God. But, God sought after them and engaged them. God engaged Noah when He told him to build the ark, in preparation for the flood. God engaged with Abraham, Moses, David, and so many others. He brought them all through challenging and difficult times. The greatest time of engagement, however, was when God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to live among us.
Jesus engaged with people from the time he was born. Throughout his life, he stayed engaged. He called the twelve disciples to follow him and be witnesses to his life. They saw how he engaged with the blind, the sick, the lame, the demon possessed, and even with the dead. He stayed engaged until the time he was crucified, buried and then three days later, raised from the dead… and He continues to engage with us today.
In this time of social distancing, it is easy to be isolated and feel like you have been abandoned. It is easy to get discouraged, to have doubt and fear. But, I have great news, God is still near and He wants to engage with you. He tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” God wants us to live with a faith that is greater than fear. Without God, our strength and courage can become weak; but when God is with us, we are made strong. God will give you the courage to face whatever comes your way if you seek him and turn to him.