Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world and support a cause close to your heart.
2024 Goals
$20,000 to Fuel Faith!
Training, equipping, and sending chaplains has a cost. With $20,000, we can fully train 25 new volunteer chaplains. With this amount, 160 chaplain credentials can be obtained. We can purchase 2,800 Bibles or 8,000 devotionals so people in the motorsports community can receive an introduction to Jesus Christ and the opportunity to grown in Him. Our volunteers frequently need gas or a hotel stay so they can serve for a whole weekend. Donate now to ensure our chaplains have what they need at the track or local car show to FUEL FAITH in motorsports enthusiasts by pointing them to Jesus!
45 Facebook Fundraisers
Help us spread the news about the amazing work God is doing through Racers For Christ and join us to FUEL FAITH by creating your own Facebook Fundraiser. Here’s a link to easily set one up, and you can reach out to jackie.powers@teamrfc.org if you need assistance!