Article by P.J. Tibayan – Pastor, Bellflower, California

  1. Patience comes from perspective.

I have often heard Mark Dever say, “Young men tend to overestimate what they can do in one or two years, and underestimate what they can do in ten.” The Bible talks about seasons of sowing and seasons of reaping. Ultimately, God gives the growth, so all glory belongs to him. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6–7).

But there is a smaller lesson here too: planting and watering takes time. Seeing deep change and more effective ministry takes too long for the impatient and unbelieving. We can’t microwave faithfulness. Many still try, to their own disappointment and frustration. When we lack the perspective that growth and maturity take time, we give up too hastily on others and are drawn to the “missing secret” of effective ministry.


  1. Wisdom comes through feedback.

God made us for fellowship and learning from others. In spending time with other pastors, I’ve noticed that some pastors don’t have mentors or other voices to both commend and critique their discipling and leadership practices.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in abundance of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14).

“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).

“By wise guidance you can wage your war — and in abundance of counselors there is victory” (Proverbs 24:6).

Creating channels for regularly communicating critical feedback is crucial to effectiveness. We are too easily offended. But “faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). Wise pastors invite critical feedback and evaluation from other pastors so that they can improve their perspective and adjust accordingly.


  1. Something is better than nothing.

One may have large dreams to do great things for Christ. Well and good. But not being able to do everything you want doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something. Jesus himself said, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much” (Luke 16:10). Don’t spend too much time dwelling on what might happen down the road; ask what small step you can take this year, this month, even this week, and then take it.

Practical Possibilities

At our church, the pastors strive to raise up men for ministry intentionally and consistently. We work toward this goal generally in the life of the church, and intensely through our pastoral internship program.

Generally, we call all members, men and women, to faithfully exercise their personal responsibility for the spiritual growth of the church. Then, among the men in good standing, we consider candidates for leading our Sunday gathering (welcoming from the front and leading the congregation through elements of the service). In addition, different men are invited to give the fifteen-minute sermon-devotional in our weekly Sunday evening prayer-and-praise gathering. Some of the men we did not foresee excelling in these ministries have surprised us, and we’ve found God raising them up to be pastors (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11).

We also offer a part-time, non-paid pastoral internship program for a small group of men aspiring to some form of pastoral ministry. The men read several books on historical and current ecclesiology, pastoral ministry, and general Christian living. They write papers on each reading, and we discuss their papers every week for two to three hours, along with other questions they have about life and ministry. They repeatedly sit in our six-week membership class for church guests to refine and solidify their vision for life as a member of a local church.

At the end of our Sundays — after Sunday school, our Sunday-morning gathering, and our Sunday-evening gathering — we get together for a one- or two-hour Sunday review, where the brothers give and receive godly encouragement and criticism on the teaching, leading, praying, preaching, Lord’s Supper, and any other aspect of ministry that day. All of this means Sundays can be physically taxing and emotionally draining — a big sacrifice for the wives and children. The high level of commitment certainly makes a healthy rhythm of weekly rest and recovery more challenging for everyone involved.

We have more than a handful of men aspiring to be pastors in our modest-sized church, and many of them are well on their way. By God’s grace, we have reached the point where I was finally able to take a three-month sabbatical, completely disconnected, while the church continued on without me.

Joys of Multiplying Myself

Almost seven years into pastoring our church, it has been a joy to see two men who were faithful members without an initial pastoral aspiration become faithful pastors. It was a taste of God’s goodness to see two former pastoral interns submit themselves to the long process and eventually become full-fledged pastors as well. To say the least, it has been edifying, humbling, and life-giving to have several men, pastors and non-pastors, initiate, teach, and lead, including challenging me and calling me to account when needed.

Raising up others as spiritually mature disciple-makers is a joy and privilege. At times when we are discouraged, it may seem impossible, but trust that the Lord of the harvest is working while you plant, water, and wait. He loves to raise up new laborers to meet needs in his church.