Photo Contest

On New Year’s Day, we asked our supporters to submit their favorite photo from 2022’s racing season, and we received dozens of shots showing exciting action and family fun from last year’s racing & rodding events!  Here are some of the images people submitted.


Submitted by Seth Forrey

“Taken at the 2022 NHRA Pep Boys Nationals at Maple Grove Raceway [in Mohnton, PA], I caught the exact moment Brittany Force’s engine blew up in a fireball during Round 2 eliminations against Antron Brown. My dad, brother, daughter, and I all attended the event and participated in the Sunday morning worship service with RFC in the pits before the race.”

Honorable Mention

Submitted by Chaplain Jonathan Small

Praying with Shane Westerfield; it was the first run of the morning. The weather was beautiful at Lake Ming [in Bakersfield, CA].

Honorable Mention

Submitted by Valerie Roemer

“My husband and I at Pacific Raceways in Washington on July 9th for NHRA [Northwest Nationals]. If you zoom in, you can see the reflection of the track in our sunglasses!”

Honorable Mention

Submitted by Aaron Jongbloedt

I proposed to my now-wife at SCCA-LOL’s race at Brainerd International Raceway. I arranged for all the Spec Miatas to hold up on the pit lane after coming in from our qualifying session and told my then-fiance to meet me there to “take tire temperatures.” I had hidden her ring in the race car and proposed in front of the stands. (RFC stickers on the b-pillar on each side of the race car.)

Other Great Submissions!

Click on the thumbnail to open the full photo.