Even though it’s still winter, the opportunities for Racers For Christ to “go and serve” are available year-round. One of our first events of the year is the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals, held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This popular week-long event welcomes over 350 competitors and thousands of spectators.

The Chili Bowl (as it’s known) takes place each January on an indoor dirt-oval track. One memorable race saw a car flip, and the driver was ejected; a hush immediately came over the arena. RFC Chaplains Joey K. and Jim S. rushed to the chaotic scene. Joey recalled, “Once the driver was placed in the ambulance, I went over to gather a large group of racers, family, and crew that had witnessed what had happened. Right there in Turn Three, we paused and prayed for a miracle. We were then asked to address the crowd and pray…again, 18,000 people fell silent in prayer, asking for a miracle.” Joey went to the hospital to sit alongside the driver’s family and crew. Despite being ejected from his car during the race, that 16-year-old young man survived. In fact, he was released from the hospital with no significant injuries after only four days! Everyone at that race witnessed a true miracle that night – they saw first-hand the power of prayer!
Supporters of RFC provided the way for a chaplain to be present, equipped, and available for this young man, his family and crew…indeed, for everyone at the track that night. It’s an evening that, surely, none of them will ever forget.
Our chaplains never know what kind of situations they may be called to, but one thing is sure: They never go into a situation alone. Having mentally and spiritually prepared before arriving at the track, they know God is with them in their service; and we know our RFC friends uphold them in prayer. A great reminder to us all is found in Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”. As that young driver can attest, prayer works miracles!
It wasn’t about deflecting praise but sharing it with everyone working hard as part of the team. It wasn’t about chest-thumping, saying, “Look at me.” It was about recognizing those who made it all possible, and it was about recognizing the importance of the team.
Romans 16 is best known for its pointing fingers instead of thumping chests. No doubt,
behind every one of these names, there’s a hidden story. This space wouldn’t allow us to trace them individually, but whatever they were, those people influenced and helped Paul in his work, and Paul knew it.
Here is a challenge for you today: Thank someone for their investment and help in your
life. Thank a parent, a pastor, a co-worker, or a friend. Send them a text, an email, or call
and thank them. Don’t come down the court thumping your chest…remember that a
bunch of other people helped you to be where you are today. Paul had at least 33 of them. I had a lot more than 33. How many do you have?