Region 5 – West Central
Region 5 serves the following areas:
North Dakota
South Dakota
Western Ontario

Chaplain Joey Keith
Director, Regions 4 & 5
In 2010, God opened doors for me to leave my corporate job and surrender to ministry full-time. My wife Diana and I developed a mission statement: “To demonstrate a Christ-like attitude by giving sacrificially through time, services, and other means to help those in need throughout the racing community and beyond.” I started as a Team RFC chaplain in 2011 and Diana joined me in 2014. I became the South-Central region’s assistant director in early 2014 and transitioned into the director’s role in 2015. The following year, I added the role of West Central region director.
Diana and I met through drag racing, have spent the better part of our lives around drag racing, and have been involved with racing ministry for more than a decade. We have a passion for the sport and the people in it! We’ve been blessed to witness the “fruit” of this mission first-hand, and we’re excited to share our experiences and knowledge with others, working alongside our brothers and sisters with Team RFC.
Our life and family verse is Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”