The West Central Region encompasses a large area that includes: Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Western Ontario. Our regional staff of over 60 chaplains and field staff serve at events ranging from drag racing, circle dirt track, car shows, and boat racing. On average our region will cover 250-300 events each year, comprised of a volunteer staff that loves serving the Lord.

We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting our region 5 staff as we GO and fulfill the calling placed on our hearts.

If you see us out and about, we would love to meet you, come and say Hi!

“And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 12:1b-2a


West Central Region Directors
Joey & Diana Keith and family

To support Joey & Diana Keith and the ministry within Region 5
Click on the giving link below.

Joey Keith started as a Team RFC Chaplain in 2011 and Diana joined him in 2014.  Joey became the South Central Region Assistant Director in early 2014 and transitioned into the South Central Region Director’s role in 2015. He is now serving as Region Director for both the South Central and West Central Regions. 

Joey and his wife Diana were married in 2004 and have two young bubbly girls.  They met through drag racing, have spent the better part of their lives around drag racing and have been involved with racing ministry for the past several years.  They have a passion for the sport and the people in it.  In 2010 God opened doors for Joey to leave his corporate job for ministry work.  They developed a mission statement: “to demonstrate a Christ-like attitude by giving sacrificially through time, services and other means to help those in need throughout the racing community and beyond.”  They have been blessed to witness the “fruit” of this mission through several first-hand experiences and they are excited to share this with others as they work alongside Team RFC.

Email: Joey Keith

(918) 809-8603 (Cell)