Lappland WRC & Snowmobile ministry

We left home for our eight hour ride up to Pello, Lappland where we stayed for some days. We were out on our snowmobiles meeting people. From there we continued to Ylläsjärvi where we had a really blessed and cozy service in a log cabin with an open fire. Our brothers had invited some people to come and listen to the testimony and music. Most of them were not yet believers.

From there we drove to Rovaniemi, Finland and I preached at the local Pentecostal Church, Sunday February 21st. The original plan was to do school visits the following two days but due to the escalating Covid-19 situation up north these and some other places were cancelled. We decided to take our snowmobiles off the trailer and we had three wonderful days in the nature together with other snowmobilers. Good talks with people, even if we got stuck in deep snow pretty bad a couple of times.

We had one decision for Christ during our journey and we also visited a youth facility where we had 12 wonderful youngsters listen to the testimony. All of them received a copy of my book about my life.

The weekend was the highlight as we came to participate the FIA WRD Rally world championships. We got to mingle around for some time, meet some people and see the first cars start as well as see some of the cars going from one track to another. Again this pandemic took its toll and this event was held totally without spectators. All who came had to pass a negative Covid-19 test and the restrictions were very strict.

We still managed to get Team RFC seen and got to meet with some people but of course it can not be compared to a normal rally where you have thousands of people and so many ministry opportunities. We pray and hope this pandemic would be over with soon so we can get back to doing real ministry without all these closed events and restrictions. Still our trip was worth everything and more in an eternal perspective.

We are returning to do snowmobile ministry end of March, depending on the weather. All of a sudden it got warmer and started to rain but we pray for a long and cold winter as we are very excited about being out racing the snowmobiles and meeting people. First season for us so everything is new but God is opening doors we never could have imagined.