Romans 15:33 and Romans 16:27 both end with “Amen.” But something takes place

between the amens that seems to get overlooked. It’s what I call the Thirty-Three Names. It’s between the two amens that Paul mentions thirty-three names. Go back through and read Romans 16:1-23 and count them. He starts with “our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae” and spends 24 verses listing people who he wants to recognize. Thirty-three names of people who helped him in ministry. Thirty-three names who made Paul’s ministry possible. He’s recognizing them with a “there’s no way we do what we do without these people.”

One of the greatest coaches of any sports franchise has to be John Wooden of UCLA. He coached his team to 10 national championships in 12 years. He wrote these words:  “When one of my players scored, he knew he was supposed to point to the teammate who had passed him the ball or made the block that allowed the basket to happen.”

It wasn’t about deflecting praise but sharing it with everyone working hard as part of the team. It wasn’t about chest-thumping, saying, “Look at me.” It was about recognizing those who made it all possible, and it was about recognizing the importance of the team.

Romans 16 is best known for its pointing fingers instead of thumping chests. No doubt,

behind every one of these names, there’s a hidden story. This space wouldn’t allow us to trace them individually, but whatever they were, those people influenced and helped Paul in his work, and Paul knew it.

Here is a challenge for you today:  Thank someone for their investment and help in your

life. Thank a parent, a pastor, a co-worker, or a friend. Send them a text, an email, or call

and thank them. Don’t come down the court thumping your chest…remember that a

bunch of other people helped you to be where you are today. Paul had at least 33 of them. I had a lot more than 33. How many do you have?